Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

Exploratory Reading

Exploratory Reading

Exploratory Reading is a class for any student either academically or vocationally motivated who wishes to improve current reading behaviors.  Students select their own novels to read within specified limits and are asked to set reading goals for themselves.  While students read novels which meet their individual interests and needs, each is expected to focus on the literary elements of plot and fiction.  Grades are based on attendance, merit/demerit system, page count, and journal writing.  A final which counts 1/7 of the semester grade will be administered in this class.  This test is based on what each individual has read and written for the semester.

COURSE PREREQUISITES:  Completion/passing of both English I and II.

TEXTS:  Each student selects his/her own novels for this class based upon his/her reading ability, academic plan, and interests.

 Students will be able to:
  • demonstrate reading comprehension.
  • apply the elements of plot and fiction to the novels read.
  • relate reading to life.
  • increase reading speed.
  • demonstrate understanding of correct spelling and grammar conventions in writing.
  • manage time effectively.
  • practice good study habits.
You will earn credit in the following manner:

1.  (50 % of total grade)  You are expected to attend class every day.  When you arrive in class, you are to put aside all other class work and begin reading the novel you have chosen.  Your novel must be approved by the instructor.  You will be reading for 40-45 minutes.  When that 40-45 minutes is up, you will write in your journal for 5-10 minutes.  For this effort you will earn 10 points daily or 50 points weekly.  Demerits are assigned for behaviors which prevent you or your classmates from learning.  These behaviors include but are not limited to the following:
    • being tardy to class.
    • sleeping in class or having the appearance of one who is sleeping.
    • working on something other than your work for this class.
    • talking or creating a disturbance that inhibits a learning environment.
If you are absent, you are expected to write a two page journal entry to make up for the class time missed.  This journal entry is to be written on the novel you are currently reading and entered in your daily journal for the day you were absent.  This entry must be labeled as a “make-up” entry.

If you are in class but do not complete a journal entry, you will forfeit the ten points for that day.  Journal entries may not be completed as homework.  They are part of the activity for the class hour.  You may not begin journal work until the last 15 minutes of class.

2.  (25% of total grade)  Each day you are expected to complete a journal entry.  The purpose of this entry is to demonstrate to your reader your understanding of the novel you are reading.  Write about characters, setting, plot, conflict, etc.  You must also demonstrate your ability to develop an idea, follow grammatical conventions, and format conventions (MLA format).  You must complete a minimum of ten well-developed lines free of grammatical errors to earn a grade of C.  To earn a higher grade, you must write a longer journal entry (for example:  15 lines=B, 20 lines=A).  Your journal will be graded three times per quarter (3 x 100 points).

3.  (25% of total grade)  You are expected to complete a volume of work read.  Each
day you will keep a log of the number of pages that you have read for the hour.
You may not count reading done outside of class.  Grades are earned as follows:

1,000 and over             A
800-900                       B
600-700                       C
400-500                       D
Below 200                   F

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